The File Details screen#

The File Details screen is shown when you click on an item in The File Queue. It shows you how the current Filter Rules affected potential dates and how Filename Tidy determined which to accept and reject. You can click on the outlined and underlined parts of the file path to see further details and change the Filter Rules.

Resolving dates with ambiguous component order#


Screenshot of the File Details screen showing a date with ambiguous component order.#

A common issue that arises is uncertainty over which digits refer to the year, the month, or the day of the month. In this case, the File Details screen prompts you to:

  • resolve the ambiguity

  • select where else this resolution should be applied:

    • to this file’s folder and it’s subfolders (Folder-only scope). This option might be useful if you organize files by the company or institution they originated from.

    • to all files on this system (System-wide scope). This option might be useful if you rarely have to deal with a mix of representations, e.g. if all your documents come from a single country or locale.

    • to all files but only until you close Filename Tidy (Temporary scope). This option might be useful if you prefer to be cautious and check ambiguities every time.

Filename Tidy will then create a Filter Rule accordingly.

Accepted and rejected dates#


Screenshot of the File Details screen with a rejected date selected, showing two filter rules that influenced its score.#

Clicking on an accepted date or a rejected date will show you:

  • the date interpretation – i.e. what Filename Tidy thinks the digits and letters mean in terms of year, month, etc.

  • the date’s score – the result of multiplying all the applicable filter rules together

  • the filter rules that contributed to that score, if any.

If you want to tweak the date search so that a rejected date becomes an accepted date (or vice-verca), you can edit or delete the filter rules from this screen.

Regular expression filter rule match#

Clicking on a blue underlined part of the file path will show the regular expression filter rule that matched that part. Regular expression filter rules take precedence over other filter rules and the built-in date finding algorithm.